Supporting Artisans one thread at a time

These weavers are not just artisans; they are the backbone of their communities, supporting their families and preserving a cultural legacy.

However, in the face of modernization and changing economic landscapes, they are competing  with cheaper, mass-produced products.

Nokupa is a starter company that aims at bringing awareness to the public of the situation at hand.

With your support , we can change the narrative and assist these artisans financially as well as improve their wellbeing and standard of living.


Our goal is to ensure that, the woven baskets and bags made by these artisans find homes where they can be loves and used. 

Embrasing slow fashion by purchasing and using handmade products should be the norm of the day.


Hope lies in the support of people  who appreciate the craftsmanship and authenticity of these handmade products.

Supporting the livelihood of weavers in rural Ghana is not just about purchasing a product; it's about investing in a community, preserving a heritage, and empowering individuals.

When you choose to patronize these handcrafted treasures, you are not only acquiring a beautiful and functional piece but also contributing to the sustainability of an ancient craft and the well-being of its practitioners.