Empowering Rural Women in Ghana and Kenya

As the sun rises, this beautiful woman who lives in Rural Ghana gets her kids ready for school after they have done their morning chores, she prepares herself for work ..................................

She is skilled at the craft of weaving. It takes her 2 to 3 days to make one bag / basket depending on the size. She then carries them to the market in hopes of selling to make some money to support her children. 

She considers it a blessing from God if someone buys her basket. As a result of how little this craft is being patronized, the art is gradually disappearing and female artisans have to resort to other means of livelihood 

As a result of the scarcity of money, some of these local women have to resort to sending their teenage children to the capital city in search of greener pastures or children have to endure the ordeal of early childhood marriage.

The search for greener pastures usually results in lots of problems. Children usually end up being victims of rape and homeless. 

Together we can change this narrative by supporting their craft and help support the livelihood of local female artisans in Ghana and Kenya. Remember, if you empower a man, you empower an individual but if you empower a woman, you empower the whole community.

If you want to contribute to financially supporting this female artisans living in rural Ghana and Kenya, purchase a bag or basket she has hand made by checking out the collections section on this website